Visualize data within seconds
using Power BI dashboards

Power BI users can combine data sources, add filters and turn information into insights in just a few clicks.

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Make Smarter Decision Faster
with Power BI Dashboard

As a powerful BI tool that transforms data into actionable insights,
Power BI allows users to create insightful, easy-to-use and intuitive BI dashboards.

  • Self Service BI

    Create and share compelling reports and interactive dashboards in a matter of minutes.

  • Simple to use

    Creating informative dashboards is now simpler with Power BI drag-and-drop user interface.

  • Aesthetically beautiful

    Share insights more effectively and increase retention and appeal with eye-catching data visuals.

  • User-friendly

    Easily format text, insert images and add widgets with a designer-friendly layout.

  • Data-driven decision making

    Visual presentation of data enables leaders to grasp concepts and make smarter decisions rapidly.

  • Real-time insights

    All dashboards are hosted on-cloud and can be autosaved; so you can resume work anytime, anywhere.

Why should you choose Power BI?

full and seamless integration

Your search for the Admin Dashboard Template ends here. Power BI Admin should be your first choice as it adds a lot of value to your amazing project by providing elegant screens through list of options and features.


The Profitability Dashboard contains a report, and dataset for a company that manufactures marketing materials. This dashboard was created by a CFO to see key metrics about their five business unit managers (executives), products, customers, and gross margins (GM). At a glance, they can see what factors are impacting profitability.


The Fashion Attic Ecommerce Dashboard gives a clear and user-centric view of all critical data. This dashboard overview offers quick insight into critical metrics including: • Sales Insights • Customer retention Insights • Inventory Turnover Analytics • Lost Whales (High Value Customer) Analytics


This report’s scenario involves a company that sells skateboards with Microsoft logos. They want to know how their sales and returns are doing and how they may improve their operations. In this project we use many new features in Power BI, including buttons, drillthrough, conditional formatting, what-if, and customized tooltips.


Your Power BI deployment and careful customisation are guided by our Power BI professionals. The final outcome is an ideal BI environment that is tailored to your company's requirements and develops over time in line with your growth curve.


We prefer to always keep our eyes and ears open! Our support and maintenance services address every potential problem you can encounter while using or upgrading Power BI on a daily basis. We can help with installation, new features, and data connection issues.


We give you unparalleled access to many data sources with the help of our Power BI integration services. This will improve the speed of your data research and help reveal any hidden insights that may be present.


We produce dynamic Power BI dashboards and reports with great usability using our broad skills and experience in data visualisation. We make sure the dashboards are simple to use, very functional, and aid in fine-grained data interpretation.

Bring your dashboard ideas and data stories to life

Spazetech has helped hundreds of clients to get up and running faster with Power BI dashboards. We also give you proof-of-concept to help you gauge the real-time benefits of having business intelligence dashboards in your industry.

Spazetech is Your Trusted Power BI Partner

The key differentiators that make us your partner of choice

  • Power BI
    Gold Partner
  • BI Implementation
  • Power BI Clients
  • Certified Experts
  • Expertise
    Data &
  • Company
    Spazetech Solutions
    level 5

Connect with Power BI

Don't worry! Let our experts show you a full proof of concept (POC)